Consulting Services

At 4JD Consulting we aim to provide a tailored service for our clients that provides clear solutions and meets their requirements while adhering to legislative requirements.


EPCs_Energy Performance Certificates (SBEM and DSM)

  • From January 4 2009, any non-domestic building over 50m² which is under construction, offered for rent or for sale requires an Energy Performance Certificate.
  • An EPC provides an energy asset rating for a building based on the performance potential of the building and its installed services.
  • An EPC involves a site survey, modelling the building using a government approved software, and providing recommendations and lodgement of the official certificate.
  • Our team of Energy Assessors are able to complete level 5 EPC surveys and we are fully accredited by CIBSE and Elmhurst.


DECs_Display Energy Certificates

  • Public buildings are now required to display a Display Energy Certificate within a public space.
  • A DEC shows an operational rating based on the actual energy used by the building.
  • This involves a combined desktop/site survey and is primarily based on analysing actual fuel bill meter readings.
  • Our team of fully accredited Energy Assessors can provide recommendations and carry out the lodgement procedure required and are fully accredited by CIBSE and Elmhurst.


Part O and TM59_Building Regulation Compliance 

  • From the summer of 2021, compliance changed, and new Standard assessment Procedure software was introduced 'SAP 10' following a transitional period all calculations will require to meet the new standards and SAP 2012 will no longer be used for new projects.
  • We offer SAP 10 and transitional SAP 2012 calculations along with all Part O overheating analysis through dynamic simulation software.


AM11_Low Carbon Consulting

  • U-Value assessment of thermal elements
  • Localised air infiltration testing
  • Thermal Imaging
  • Renewable energy feasibility studies
  • Carbon foot printing


BREEAM_Third party compliance

  • ENE01, HEA04, etc. 

Measured Surveys

  • Auto CAD drawings
  • For Lease plans
  • Space Planning